Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Decisions... Decisions...

Alright, dudes... So I've been tossing and turning day and night whether I should get the Tomb Stalker or not. I really have nothing to spend most of my Birthday money on anyways, and I'm running out of stuff to work on besides those Deathmarks I just got. Post your opinions as you desire...


  1. It's probably the most ridiculous unit in the 40k universe. Check out its stats on Forge World.

  2. Holy crap! I can see this thing running with a wraith screen to gobble up ... well anything it wants really. Or as an anchor to counter assault threat for your firebase. Or run your wraiths to position, deep strike behind the wraiths, and num num num. It seems very versitle. Just keep it away from anything with a powerfist.

    Nice model and not that pricy for forgeworld. If you are looking for that centerpiece model I think that this might be it.

  3. Two words. Freaking sweet. Two more, must buy. Sorry, no valuable input.

  4. Alright, just got an extra 25 bucks in birthday money so when Fasha gets home we can order it...

  5. I directed your fabricator to place the purchase order. You will have this vile xenos technology in 2 weeks time. It will reap much death for the glory of the Crypt-Dynasty.

  6. @Codywars, what do you envision for the base of this terror?

  7. A few Scarabs swarming around a few dead IG's. I really don't know about the base... Still deciding...

  8. We should make it a giant pile of bodies... like 2x boxes worth of slaughter.

  9. 2 boxes of bodies....that's awesome!

  10. Haha, would probably be cooler and more deadly looking if it were 2x boxes of space marines or super gay mandi-blastering striking scorpions (no offense of course Joel).

  11. That's right mandi-blastering all over your face.
