Tuesday, May 1, 2012

To buy or to convert?

A bit of a conundrum here.   Someone describe these as sabre llama tauns.  I really don’t know what to think about these. Should I buy these or convert my own?

Converting Pros
More in tune with the rest of my army.
Maybe cheaper.

Buying Pros.
Save an ass load of time. 
Riders will definitely look better than my conversions.

 I could really use some input on this.  How well do you think they would fit in?  Is the $17 price tag worth it?  Check out the rest of the website at Troll Forged Minatures.

Jonny, you should really check out the last model in the sci-fi gangers section.  Might be neat to have.


  1. $17 is a bit steep, mainly because you have to spend a couple additional hours converting them. Ten for $170? How long will they stay on the board? I would check but Ryan has my IG codex.

    However, you are absolutely right. Time is money. If you didn't have to work on hundreds of models I would say take your time and convert them one by one. These guys are most of the way there and Taun-Taun riders are a must for any respectable Hoth (THeX) army so you would have to break down eventually anyways...

  2. They be on the board, like most guard units, until they are shot at or assaulted.

  3. I used Army Builder to check their stats. OMG! I don't foresee them surviving first contact. 155 point for 10x models (2x grenade launchers). Have you thought about what your storm troopers will look like?

    What do you think about the new workbench areas? Going to add pics when I get break from painting.

  4. Maybe Taun-Taun riders are your storm troopers!!!

  5. They are one hit wonder units that won't be on the board. You are a bit off on the points though. They are 115 with 2 grenade launchers.

    What do you mean? Use the taun tauns as storm troopers instead of rough riders? Ehh.... storm troopers aren't that great. In fact looking at the elites section I am unimpressed with the unit selections, at least from a fluff perspective of my Hoth guard. Nothing really fits. Maybe Ogryns where I would convert Yeti models from the fantasy range into wampas with little servitor skulls mounted to them.

    Work bench is a good idea. Would this mean that we would not post finished models and rather just update the work bench?

  6. I honestly think you should just continue with your conversions. Sure it might be a little bit of a long period of time but when you finish one conversion and finish painting it, it'll totally be worth the wait in the end. So I'd stick with the conversions your doing.

  7. Army Builder gave 10 rough riders w/ 2 grenade launchers and a Mogul Kamir 155 points. Thought you would be using that guy...

    Storm Troopers not that great? I beg to differ. In fact, I would roll with 2x units of Storm Troopers.

    Glad you like the Work Bench. Finished models that you are super proud of should still be posted in the main post area.

  8. Thanks for the advice Cody. I am leaning toward converting because of the cost but we shall see. I will finish my rider then post the conversion in total up (on the my workbench!) and get feedback again. I am staring at my conversion tauntaun now and can't help but think the other one is just too cool.

    No Mogul Kamir has the rage USR, which essentialy takes away my control of the unit. Rough Riders are the most eldar-ish unit in the codex where they should be used as a scalpel rather than a hammer. They have one very specific task ... hunt power armor.... mmmmm.... power armor.... especially the kind that likes to run at me....

    For what storm troopers do they are nothing more that big ass targets that say shoot me first. The AP of thier lasguns is really the only redeeming quality and that is only if you are playing marines. And really for the points veterns can do almost the same and can take more special weapons with more wounds for absorbtion purposes. What are you seeing that I am not?

  9. Got ya on the Mogul Kamir bit... didn't see the Rage.

    As for Storm Troopers, I see a unit that has a 4 ballistic skill, carapace armor, 2x plasma/melta, power sword wielding, everyone has AP 3 weapons and the unit has a variable deployment capability (chimera or specops).

    Dude, in the end I guess it does come down to personal preference. I just really really like the storm trooper concept and like the mobility and versatility of the unit. Points cost be damned... I would get them just to field a better than average unit that could have a different conversion/paint scheme and use THEM as the scalpel. Tell you what, designate a small unit of Hoth Regulars as Storm Troopers next game and tell me how they do. Additionally, I bet you'll have a whole new dynamic to the story line as your regular guys either respect or hate the SPECOPS guys. haha!

  10. I did more research and you're right, the vets came out on top for the points. I was able to come out with 3x melta guns, carapace armor, a power fist, a larger squad and still cheaper in points. I think the special deployment rules and high AP value is the only advantage Storm Troopers have.

  11. Bruce mini!!!! Love it. Must buy.

    Interesting find on the Taun Taun possibility. I must say the body looks cool, but the head.....too cat like. Maybe with the tusks on the cheeks it might be better. Honestly I dig your conversion more. Just my two cent. Think of it this way, which one makes you feel like you've accomplished something awesome that will grab peoples attention at your mad hobbying skills?
