Sunday, May 6, 2012

What goes up ...

When I picked the skyshield landing platform up I thought that it would be a nice little side project to work on when I got bored with assembling waves of guardsmen.  Man, I was wrong.  As you see from the WIPs section this thing took me nearly a month and aside from writing a couple of battle reports it has taken most of my hobby time. 

The only thing that I am not happy about are the hatches.   I wanted to do the black and yellow warning stripes but my inability to paint (or draw, or trace) a straight line was my undoing.  I wanted something to stand out so I tried red gore but it was too dark then I tried yellow but then the skulls didn't stand out enought from the yellow.  It is almost a shame that this damn thing took almost a month and then I get tripped up painting the little hatches at the end.  The red just wouldn't come out right and then it started to crack.  Fuck it... good enough.

I decided not to glue the supports to the platform because at some point I may design some other piece of urban terrain that the platform could attach to without the need of the supports. The supports could be used for supporting an elevated walkway whenever I get around to making one.

I am finished and no I am not painting the underside of the platform.  And no more big pieces of terrain for a while.
Please check out my work bench I have something I would like feedback on. 


  1. JOEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. YES?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  3. Excellent work my friend. I see a wide variety of very well applied painting techniques. Can't wait to see some king-of-the-hill battle reports!

  4. Nice dude. Love the black blast shading. Can't wait to see in person.
