Sunday, March 17, 2013

So Much to Do!!!

Alright dudes, after watching dogs, & doing chores around the house, I managed to save enough and go on a spending spree! Now I have a full plate of Devastators, Scouts and a Veterans/Command Squad (Ugh, and 5 paints, $4 a piece). For now I will build the Command Squad, and use the leftover bits for others... comment!


  1. You should update your post... you've done so much since you bought all this stuff!

  2. So far I have finished building and priming the Command Squad and just finished the scouts. Now I have the Devastators, which came with several servo skulls I have made into objectives...

  3. I can't tell from the pictures, are they dark angels or plain marines.

  4. Well the Veterans are straight up Dark Angels but the Scouts and Devastators are regular marines that I will give the Dark Angels Shoulder Pads...

  5. If only there were Squads of all types of marines made just for the Chapter you play as!

  6. @Cody: Sounds like you want to collect Warmachine models to me. Seriously though, you're kicking butt putting all those dudes together. On a separate note, heard you won a game of Kill Team vs Tau the other day! Great job!
