Friday, March 22, 2013

Preparation for the Weekend...

Greetings Counsel of Peers and gaming community. As I sit here preparing for the weekend I'm trying to determine what a realistic painting/building goal is.

Currently, my workbench has 6x Ork warbikers on it. Their Nob is complete so the rest will just need a mindless assembly line paint job. Mindless yes, but still time consuming...

I have a few other projects lined up on the workbench but I'm not set on any of them yet. So the big question I'm asking myself is; what's next?

I dug through my boxes of ork models/bits and came up with a few interesting options:

1. Big Mek Conversion.
    - I can't find the GW version for a decent price so I converted up my own.

2. 10x Lootas
   - Can't have enough 7/4 Dakka! I need to fill out the rest of a current unit and
     then produce a half strength 2nd unit.

3. 6x Nob Warbikes
  - Expensive as all get out but damn if they aren't a dangerous unit. 5 Toughness,
    two wounds a piece, a 4+ inv and then a Feel No Pain Roll on top of it.

4. Battle Wagon
   - Starting from the box with this thing. Could easily eat up an entire day just
     building it.

5. Grot Mob
   - Objective takers! Lots of them! Too many of them! Well not that many but
     fuck if they can't shoot better than orks.
   - When not fielded en masse, these guys will fill in as part of the Big Gunz unit.

So there you have it. Once the warbikers are done I'm stuck between these 5x options. Help!


  1. This seems to be an unecessary post now. I'd go battle wagon. I don't recall seeing a non looted one in your army.

  2. Hahaha! Unnecessary, nah. I'll paint through the warmachine models quickly... there are only a few as it's skirmish based so the Orks and Templars will be in my thoughts the whole time.

    Thanks for the recommendation! I may place a large Warmachine order and in the mean time I could start the BW... the death roller is apparently a crucial vehicle killer these days.
