Monday, January 7, 2013

The "Fog of War" in 40k!

In keeping with my last 2 posts, I've decided to borrow portions of Tomorrow's War for a scenario trial with 40k; namely, the Fog of War (FoW) deck. I transcribed about 3/4 of the FoW events that were represented in the back of the book and made some adjustments so they meshed with the 40k rules and didn't have too much of an unbalancing effect. Oh, and then I added some of my own >:). Not sure if you guys remember but I was on a card stock terrain kick for awhile and thus had an extra 170 sheets of index card paper laying around (which was absolutely perfect for making these). Anyways, a couple hours of cutting and voila: A deck of 40k 'Fog of War' cards! Much homage to Ambush Alley Games who developed the FoW deck concept!!

For our games, both sides will roll a D6 at the beginning of every turn and if someone rolls a 2 or less they get to draw a card. If we don't see enough action from them we may draw a card every turn regardless.  I've included a lion's share of them below for anyone that wants to try them out... enjoy!

 An Excellent Position
One of your units has found an excellent position that affords them unexpected protection from fire. You may designate one of your units to be effected. The area can’t effect other units and can’t be played on units in a fortified location.
Designated unit receives a 3+ invulnerable save vs shooting attacks.

This Cover Sucks!!!
A position that seemed to offer decent cover turns into a bad spot due to poor construction and weird lines of sight. Your opponent may play this card on one building or terrain feature that would normally be considered to have a cover saving throw.

The designated piece of terrain no longer provides a cover save.

Your rounds have struck something flammable and set a structure ablaze. You may designate any structure in LOS of one of your units and declare it is burning.

Units in the structure must exit immediately or be wounded on a 4+ for as long as they remain within.

The Bell Tolls
Vox chatter reveals a favorite warrior has fallen.

Roll a D6 and consult the following:
1-3: Your mainline troops become demoralized. A ‘Troop’ unit of your opponent’s choosing loses 1 point from its leadership characteristic.
4-6: Your force becomes fired up for revenge. Card holder chooses a ‘Troop’ unit and adds 1 point to its leadership characteristic.

Ferocious storms have grounded ISR assets and otherwise restricted overhead collections.

All units now function with night fighting rules unless some type of advanced sensors are noted in the fluff. 

Last Mag!!!
For whatever reason, ammo supplies are running low. “What the hell are we suppose to use man? Harsh language?”

Opponent chooses 3 units which may not fire this round.

The Commander Said What?
Vox comms are on the fritz and your most recent order contradicts the mission brief.

No units may move this turn unless it is physically into cover during the Move phase. (This does not include units falling back)

Friendly Fire Isn’t
One of your units has been struck by friendly fire, either from artillery or a wayward airstrike.

Randomly determine which unit has been struck. That unit must resolve a STR:5 AP:- Ordinance Blast.

A veteran sniper team has just entered the AO.
“God, come in God…”

Your opponent now has D3+2 Sniper shots against any unit of his choosing (Hits on a 2+ / Wounds on a 4+ / Rending). He may use them all at once or spread them through future rounds; all to be used during his shooting phase.

“Get Some!!!”
A member of one of your Troop units has a fire frenzy and opens up with everything he has.
 Come on! Come on! Come and get it, baby! Come on! I don't got all day! Come on! Come on! Come on you bastard!”

A non-upgraded member of a Troop unit may fire his/her weapon D6 extra times.

(This card may be played at any time)
Your force has been able to mount a successful ECM attack against the enemy, temporarily disrupting their Vox and grid communications.

The unit selected may not move (nor run) for one turn. 

Where are YOU Going?
One of your units in reserve have been recalled by higher command for a more important mission. (Victory points not effected)

Roll D6:
1-2 Leaves immediately
3-4 Leaves 1x round after it arrives
5-6 Will remain on the board as long as a 3+ is  rolled at the beginning of each round.

General Confusion Takes Command
An commander in the highest echelon of command has taken a personal interest in your operation. His confusion and poorly considered commands, passed through the command-net have robbed you of the tactical initiative.

Your opponent seizes the initiative during this turn meaning all of his units function as having an initiative 10.

In the Zone
A unit of your choice is in the zone! The unit is functioning as a well oiled cohesive killing machine.  

A non-HQ/non-Vehicle unit gains the 'Fleet-of-Foot' special rule and may reroll all to hit & wound dice for the rest of the round.

Man Down!
A randomly selected (Non-HQ) unit in your force has suffered a casualty, be it from wayward munitions or previous damage that had been ignored. 

Remove one model (or 2x wounds from one model) with no saving throw OR roll on the Vehicle Damage Table if a vehicle was the target.

The Dragon of Mars is Not Pleased
Despite the special prayers and/or curses or biological manipulations laid upon a mechanical construct... it was not enough and the Omnisiah has afflicted the machine with a vile plague.

A randomly determined vehicle in your force must immediately roll a on the Vehicle Damage Table. (Victory points not effected)

Bingo Fuel
Aerial assets are at critical fuel levels and must withdraw from combat.

All assets that have the 'Zoom' special rule must pass a one-time 4+ check or permanently withdraw from the battle. (Victory points not effected)

I Just Gave it a Good Kick!!!
Sometimes a wire becomes disconnected or a ground becomes ungrounded. That’s probably why when a crew member gives the ammo unit or generator a good kick it works again.

Choose a damaged vehicle and restore a 'Weapon's Destroyed' or an 'Immobilized' result to functional. 

A Break in the Clouds
The sun breaks through the clouds and momentarily drives away the fog, rain, snow or anomalies effecting the battlefield.

The scenario is no longer being effected by any types of atmospheric conditions to include night or darkness. 

Gas! Gas! Gas!
Intelligence indicates a chemical weapon attack is imminent. Your force must don chem gear or set up filtration condensers.

All non-vehicle units from your force are treated as if moving through difficult terrain due to the limiting constraints of chem gear. Power Armored and Fearless units aren’t effected.

Excellent Leadership
Your force’s leaders are masterfully wielding the force as a single fighting unit. Focused fire, cover fire, movement, assault… all perfectly fluid.   

All assets now benefit from your HQ’s leadership characteristic for the rest of the game. Additionally, all units are considered ‘Fearless’ for the rest of the turn.

Ancient Ordinance of Destruction
(This card may be played at any time)
A unit armed with a heavy weapon produces an ancient relic which it has been keeping just for this occasion. The ordinance is endowed with long lost technologies or infested with something horrible.

A non-vehicle unit with a STR 7 weapon or higher may fire this munition and automatically hit and penetrate a target vehicle.  

All Clear!
(This card may be played at any time)

This card negates the Gas! Gas! Gas! effect. 

Warp Flares
Warp storms in a nearby sector are effecting operational communications and airborne support to the battlefield. 

All rolls for reserves automatically fail this round. All future rolls for reserves require a 5+. 

Dust in the Wind
A large cloud of heavy dust and smoke is pushing through the area, limiting sight and nullifying jump infantry.

The battlefield is considered to be in night fight conditions and all jump infantry must make a dangerous terrain check after every move over than 6”.  

That’s a Pretty Rock…
A random unit falls pray to the ignorance of one of its members. The member of the unit is either bitten by a poisonous insect, plant or the pretty rock in his hand turned out to be a submunition.

Roll D6:
1-4: a random unit takes a single STR: 4/AP:- hit.
5-6: a random unit takes a STR:4/AP- (Sm. Blast)

Covered in Crap!
(This card may be played at any time)
Atmospheric conditions have rendered an enemy unit less stealthy or unable to conduct a tactical deployment.

This card effects any unit with the scout or stealth special rule that has not yet been deployed.

Negative on your Request Trooper
(This card may be played at any time)
Sometimes priorities of grunts on the ground are far different than senior leadership. 

Play this card to block an orbital strike or entry of a reserve unit from your opponent. 

Orbital Strike at the Ready
(This card may be played at any time)
How it got there doesn’t really matter. The fact that you need it right now does!

Orbital Strike BS:3  Str:8/AP:3 (Ordinance Blast)
-Always scatters

Intensify Forward Fire Power!
A unit of your choice (hopefully the most desperate) is ordered to shoot everything it has at the closing enemy. It’s going to create a wall of hell but will blow through all of its ammo in the process.

A unit of your choice can make double the shooting attacks in a single round but will exhaust all shooting for the rest of the game.

A random unit has been afflicted with the ire of the Emperor or some dark god because nothing they can do is working the way it should. Everything that can go wrong is and it’s only a matter of time.

A randomly selected unit does not benefit from cover and now moves as if it were in difficult & dangerous terrain.

Watch Your Step!
One of your units has stumbled into a mine field that was previously undetected by sensors. 

Randomly select one of your units and consider them in a mine field that spans 12” in every direction from their position. The minefield will claim 4 casualties (or 1 vehicle) from your force before it can be removed.  

You’re Going to Be Infamous for That!
An unscrupulous action you or one of your units committed is really going to piss off the enemy…

Your opponent’s forces will become “Fearless” for the turn.

Uncommon Valor
(This card may be played at any time)
A member in a unit of your choice will sacrifice himself for the better of his brothers (or spawnlings). 

A unit of your choice that hit by exactly 5x shots/attacks may sacrifice one model and not suffer any other casualties regardless of how powerful the weaponry is.

Wrath of the God-Emperor/Chaos Gods
The world shakes and the sky breaks… this place is undone and all of its inhabitants are going to die.

Every round each unit from both sides must pass a 4+ check or every model with in it suffers a Str:4/AP:- hit. Further, the ground floor of the battlefield is now considered dangerous terrain.

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