Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Warmachine it is! I've been reading the new rule book for the last 2 weeks and I am stoked! Even though all of my paints and tools are packed up I decided to go out and buy new ones!!! Don't ask me how much it all costed because most summer jobbers would have to work 2 weeks to generate that kind of cash. :)


For the record, I still love 40k; I have so much more to do with it! We're just on a break and I'm allowed carnal knowledge of another game system until I get to Hawaii (and then after it gets to join the family and come with us).  I ended up with Warmachine. All I can say is the game is freaking amazing. The rules are very much skirmish level and polished. The models are 30mm which are slightly larger than 40k and they are absolutely exquisite!

The Warmachine genre is defined as steam-punk. If you were to take nearly any fantasy game, say D&D or Warhammer and increase the technology level with advanced steam engine capabilities and magic you would find yourself smack dab in the Iron Kingdoms. While the rules are vastly different from other games which the "Counsel of Peers"  has played, Warmachine feels a bit like Mordhiem would if it had walking tanks and some more magic. Otherwise, there are several factions within the Iron Kingdoms which have a different balance of magic, shooting and close combat capabilities. The whole story can be summed up as: drama and power struggles have built up over the centuries and there has never been a more ripe time for kinetic action...

Warmachine also has a crossover to another Privateer Press game called Hordes. It's fully compatible with Warmachine and has its own unique game play which is almost opposite to Warmachine. Hordes represents all of the creatures & monsters in the same realm. They maintain giant allies of their own which are more than capable of dealing with the warjacks of the most advanced civilizations in the iron Kingdoms.

Unboxing the models was quite a treat! The trenchers are noticeably larger than their Imperial Guard equivalents. The Heavy Warjack is nearly the size of a space Marine Dreadnought and the warcaster is very finely detailed... hell, all the models are finely detailed! This is going to be awesome! I predict 2 months of work from the 2x sets displayed below.


  1. Cool dude, looks awesome. Wow 30mm? Never realized they were so big. Well that should make adding detail pretty easy. Can't wait to see some paint on those guys.The 40k bug is slowly making its way back to me. Really need to sit down and start painting one of these days.

  2. Pretty sweet -- it will give you something to do during the rainy season in Hawaii!
    -- Jay

  3. I really dig the 30mm casting too. The detail reqs just pop out at you! The models are simply beautiful compared to many of the 40k pieces I've painted.

    This evening I've configured 1 x Warjack, 1 Warcaster and a troupe of 10x Trenchers. I'm priming the group tomorrow morning for a late evening start on painting! More to follow...
