Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Passing the Time

Thank the Emperor for new beginnings. All of my 40k stuff is packed up and en route to our new home in paradise. :( That said, I think I have gotten better sleep on a $60 air mattress than my $1200 king sized bed. Go figure!

Anyways, with all of my 40k stuff packed, my padawan and I decided to invest some time and cash into Magic cards and Horus Heresy. I really enjoy both games.  I like Magic because it's chess with out knowing what pieces the other guy is playing with. There also seems to be an endless availability of cards... all for the low low price of $2.99 a booster pack. Overall, I give the game a B+. It has a high degree of fantasy elements and requires a 3 dimensional level of thinking that the lay person just doesn't possess... probably why it is snubbed by so many adults.

Horus Heresy is a combination of Risk, Axis & Allies AND  Magic. It pits Father vs Son (for real) and brother vs brother as both sides duke it out for the fate of Terra. Titans, Primarchs, Space Marines, Daemons... the game pretty much makes use of everything the Imperium and Chaos could throw at each other.  So far the games have averaged out to about 2 hours a piece and every time Horus (my son) has paid the ultimate price. However, at this point the rules are no longer a mystery and I fear my throne is in serious jeopardy. I am a very harsh critic of wargames and board games. That said, I rate Horus Heresy with a B-. Definitely a must for anyone into 40k... probably not so much for the average sci-fi enthusiast.

1 comment:

  1. Same for me, Horus Heresy: good gaming experience to see what it was like for the battle for Terra, but too many cards and rules, unlike Magic: The Gathering with fast rules and fast gameplay.
