Points: 500
"Simple minded fool you can never know the secrets of the Ebidonhtl. Your presence taints this hallowed ground. The honor of my crest requires you die under my shadow or by the glint of your own blade. Make your decision now!" - Overlord Menes
"I'll turn your slag over to Forge Master Firefall to create my next trophy, xenos filth!" - Capatin Nahvus.
Necrons (Joel) 496
1x Overlord with Resurrection Orb (Warlord trait: Tenacity) How awesome could it be to have 15 warriors hold the objective with feel no pain and reanimation protocol? muh ha ha ha!
15x Warriors
8x Immortals with Tesla Carbines
3x Scarabs
Salmander Space Marines (Ethan) 500
1x Captain with Thunder Hammer (Warlord trait: coordinated assault)
10x Tac squad with flamer, ML, SGT Power sword
10x Tac squad with flamer, ML,SGT Power Sword
Highlights of the Battle:
Deployment: Ethan identified the better side for deployment based on the cover and the mission objective which gave him a straight walk up to the objective. I had to take the long way around to the objective.
Round 1: Ethan split the squads up into combat squads with ML and bolters in the back and the flamers and SGTs up front going for the objectives. A little bit of shooting but nothing major. 1 model lost for each of us.
Round 2: Tesla Carbine add up the hits with a couple of sixes that count more hits than actually fired. Saves mostly passed by the Salamanders. I hate space marines. A few more casualites for both of us.
Round 3: Ethan is doing a good job of overlapping fire and ringing up the wounds on the Immortals. Ethan gains the Ebindohntl as Captain Nahvus in a combat squad reaches it first. One squad gets tied up by the scarabs. Ohm nom nom.... tasty power armor.... not much for the gooey insides.
Round 5: Ethan rolled great for his saves and his hits but horrible for his wounds. Flamer hit like 8 warriors but only wounded 2. Overlord Menes charged Captain Nahvus. I hate Iron Halos, I hate thunder hammers, and I especially hate Space Marines captains. We each deal a wound but no one dies.
Blessed are the painted! They made at least 11 straight saves. |
"My shadow palls, now you shall fall" - Overlord Menes
"The resonanant modulator is connected to rotating chronometer which is connected to the necrodermis molecular teleporter which is connected to this button here. Simple minded... pfffft..." - Captain Nahvus
"NOOOOOoooooooooooo......" - Overlord Menes
A 1 is rolled and stunningly the game ends.
Victory Points:
Ethan: 3 (Possess the Relic)
Joel: 2 (First blood, linebreaker)
Overall, Ethan did a pretty good job of using cover, picking the better side, and making sure every combat squad was supported by another. His list building was solid and could justify why he took things ("thunder hammer sounds awesome") I would have had Plasma Cannons instead of ML but he said he didn't want to worry about Gets Hot. I guess I can't blame him gets hot screws me everytime I take plasma.
He needs to work on establishing purpose for his heavy weapons because his ML didn't do much but move and fire snap shots. He could probably do better with target priority too.
The game was a way of motivating him to paint but I didn't expect him to win. I told him we can play another game after he finishes another 5 man squad. Sure enough he went down the next day and started on another couple of guys. At this rate we play again soon.
PS: I hate space marines.
@Ethan; Welcome young Padawon... you have now entered a special group of elite gamers that can say they beat your father in battle! (Even though I haven't done it in nearly 10 years.)
ReplyDeleteGreat work and keep painting!!! Your marines are coming together nicely. Maybe one day we can join forces against the foul xenos forces of your patriarch.
@Joel; Good run down on the battle report.... very concise. What the freak is a Ebidonhtl?
Dude that rocks. Kudos to Ethan for the win. May have to do a small Tyranid game with him! Also dig the new scenery, the Popcorn Box House...
ReplyDelete@Ethan: Welcome dude! That was a sick battle! I'm lovin the Salamanders Paint Scheme (which is very similiar to my Dark Angels... which means pure domination!) Reminds me when I was like 9-10 years old and first started with Necrons! Anyways, Good Win Dude!
ReplyDeleteEthan: Thank you for supporting me for my next battle. I am next still going to go against the Necrons. Hopefuly I can use Terminators. It was an epic battle! By the way "I HATE SCAREBS AND NECRONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)"
ReplyDeleteJoel: The Ebidonthl is a mysterious object of necron power that the dishonorable monkey boys have used to deprive us of our glory. Laugh-a while you can monkey boys, we will have our revenge!!!