Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Galaxy Awaits...

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good bolt pistol at your side, kid."

Well fellas, looks like we have five persons who have expressed interest in a weekly 40k RPG.  For the ruleset, we'll be meshing the Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader rule books, with a heavy focus on the latter for space travel.
I imagine we'll split up into elements of the crew and Inquisitorial sponsored entourage which is also embarked... probably won't see eye-to-eye but that leaves plenty of room for role playing.

I already have tons of miniatures so all I need to do is come up with some grid maps to track movement (which can be found all over the net). Luckily, I invested in an extra wide printer years ago so I can actually print out huge maps on photo paper. Oh!! and I already have a bunch of print-and-build scenery packs, so after a couple of nights I will have tons of props!

All that's left now is story development and a possible 'blog site build' to archive our adventures and keep track of the many clues, special items and contacts we come across. This might be a tough dynamic for the blog because each of the characters may want to keep a good portion of the characters a secret. Hmmm... more to follow on that.

It will probably take me a week to come up with a good story line with a few small missions, some twists/turns, and an overarching goal. I also like to find images for all of the NPCs and come up with a few extras for when the PCs go way off mission. Then I'll need to come up with a set of special areas they may want to explore and a compendium of bad guys for quick reference.

It's a good thing Rob is having a board game night this week... will buy me just enough time to prepare!


  1. The game is taking shape!

    - 1x Rogue Trader
    - 1x Void Master
    - 1x Senescal
    - 1x Imperial Psyker

    + 6xNpcs

  2. Sorry man, late reply. My next few weeks are ate up with work (God I hate work) and my sister is getting married this weekend/lots of family in town for the next week.
