Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Wicked - Tainting the Ground They Walk Upon

The Wicked will be a dominating force for Inquisimunda. We use the cover term Illuminatus for all things 40k skirmish and the mission reports are posted on an alternate site: here. There is quite the underground community for 40k skirmish: Inqusimunda, =I=munda, Death Squads, Kill Team, INQ28. Google Search any of the terms and you'll understand the small scale in which the game focuses. Anyways, this post is more about the rise of the chaos cult: Wicked. So far, I've painted up the 2x Rogue Psykers and have converted about 3/4 of the whole warband. Overall, I'm very pleased with the aesthetics of the group. Gasmasks, worn robes and armor... the horrific bases will also do well to draw the theme together. After that I had to decide on a color scheme. Most cultist players are fixated on red. My issue is since Ryan was playing Admech Explorators (mechanicus), he'd be using  red for all of their robes.  I really didn't want to have same colored models running around the game board so I had to figure something else out. I was on the fence about the color purple for probably a week. I couldn't find any images on the net where someone could pull it off.  While still on the fence, I picked up a model and went at it with Vallejo purples and voila; the psyker imaged below came out perfectly! 
Once I get enough of them painted I'll start on the background. Hopefully that'll be in the next week but we'll see how far I get.

Magus Vyranus
Obviously, I used Fabius Bile as the base model. I simply removed his powerpack and added a daemon sword with a loop of chain. Yeah, I know... a staff and a sword stinks of Gandalf.  Considering he is a Type 3 psyker he will be incinerating most of his adversaries so I cut up a space marine arm (left) and fashioned green stuff into a fireball.   The base was standard, lots of body parts with an additional icon of the Inquisition... I thought the icon was fitting considering it is only a matter of time before I start dropping Inquisitorial retinues. All were simple conversions but I really liked his look already.

Rogue Psykers
Fini!!! ('nough said)

A combination of Forge World models and the latest Cultists released by GW. I added some gas hoses, weapon swaps and ammo pouches. Once I get some color on them they will mesh well. Not sure what I'm going to use for Novitiates (sub-cultists)... will need to find something deplorable, maybe ghouls?

Cloven, the beastman (big mutie), was a work of art. I spent about 3 hours converting him up. I added a bunch of small details which will become apparent once I get some paint on him. He will be a pleasure to paint! The other two are FW models with minimal conversions. Late entry... nearly done with Barabus.


  1. Dude those models are great. Love the bases. Conversions are fantastic.

  2. Thanks Jonny! Makes it all worth it when I see comments like that!!! When can we expect to see more of your creations?

  3. Maybe for a couple of months. Work has us so tied up I don't even have time to play a game. After April things will be so much easier at work, and I should have more free time to get back into hobbying.

  4. "Inquisitor Drogan, this is Captain Cerberus reporting in. We have located the Wicked's outpost..."
    "Very good, Captain. See them to death for their treachery!"
    "Yes, Sir, over and out."
    "Oh, and Captain? Bring their leader to me... ALIVE... I want to see him repent for his sins against the holy Emperor!"
    "It will be done, my lord."
