Well here I am sitting on my porch and watching all of my peers go to work. I'm kind of glad I started my leave a day before New Years... now I have all month to contemplate how 2013 is to be tackled.
For a time I was wishy-washy about the 6th edition 40k rules but they have grown on me enough to continue, that is, despite my blasphemous blog a few months ago. Since then, I've played a few games here and there between Ryan and Cody and had an absolute blast. I'm def still hooked. Over the holidays I picked up a ridiculous amount of Templar bitz from ebay and while I know I need to get cracking the motivation escapes me... I NEED the Templar's Codex to be revamped before I go all in.
In the mean time, between one off games of 40k, I've been looking at Tomorrow's War & Dust and both seem to be on to something that GW has missed. The two games enable it to be both players' turn at the same time. There is still a player that has initiative, but his actions can invoke responses from the other player... imagine there is a block war going down on some consortium colony. A bunch of gangers were sprinting across the street to gain entry into a building. Stop right there; because down the street a ways, there's a riot control heavy weapons position. Dice checks are made and as it turns out the gangers got ripped to shreds and what was left fell back, never making it across the street...
So anyways, I'm back to put ideas on the drawing board for how this can work in a campaign format as well as working on the story environment. Joel and I had conjured up some decent enough ideas last year that have promise. Going to extrapolate some but I don't want the story to be so dense that it is a chore to read before you look at the models and battle reports. Hell, I'm even thinking the galaxy is explained a little more through each battle report. While I think it would be cool to have a blog set up just for something like this, I've had a rash of blogs set up for solo ideas and they end up going to way of the Eldar.
Once rules are figured out (which I'm still working to understand) the big question is 15mm or 28 mm? Factors that effect these are cost, theme, time to build/paint, coolness factor (which affects time), and scenery. One other concept which may not be readily apparent is the game is more about the squad and less about the individual... that is unless you end up designing a squad that consists of a single super mutant with a troop quality of a D12 and a bunch of special bonuses that would add to his staying power.
Well, I'm rambling now... more to follow as I try to hash this out.
For a time I was wishy-washy about the 6th edition 40k rules but they have grown on me enough to continue, that is, despite my blasphemous blog a few months ago. Since then, I've played a few games here and there between Ryan and Cody and had an absolute blast. I'm def still hooked. Over the holidays I picked up a ridiculous amount of Templar bitz from ebay and while I know I need to get cracking the motivation escapes me... I NEED the Templar's Codex to be revamped before I go all in.
In the mean time, between one off games of 40k, I've been looking at Tomorrow's War & Dust and both seem to be on to something that GW has missed. The two games enable it to be both players' turn at the same time. There is still a player that has initiative, but his actions can invoke responses from the other player... imagine there is a block war going down on some consortium colony. A bunch of gangers were sprinting across the street to gain entry into a building. Stop right there; because down the street a ways, there's a riot control heavy weapons position. Dice checks are made and as it turns out the gangers got ripped to shreds and what was left fell back, never making it across the street...
So anyways, I'm back to put ideas on the drawing board for how this can work in a campaign format as well as working on the story environment. Joel and I had conjured up some decent enough ideas last year that have promise. Going to extrapolate some but I don't want the story to be so dense that it is a chore to read before you look at the models and battle reports. Hell, I'm even thinking the galaxy is explained a little more through each battle report. While I think it would be cool to have a blog set up just for something like this, I've had a rash of blogs set up for solo ideas and they end up going to way of the Eldar.
Once rules are figured out (which I'm still working to understand) the big question is 15mm or 28 mm? Factors that effect these are cost, theme, time to build/paint, coolness factor (which affects time), and scenery. One other concept which may not be readily apparent is the game is more about the squad and less about the individual... that is unless you end up designing a squad that consists of a single super mutant with a troop quality of a D12 and a bunch of special bonuses that would add to his staying power.
Well, I'm rambling now... more to follow as I try to hash this out.