Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New Year

Well, it's a new year and a new day. I fell so short on my hobby aspirations in 2011. Don't get me wrong, I got plenty done but procrastination definitely got the better of me. Work was, and still is, a recurring problem detracting from my many production goals.

2012 is going to be different. There is much less room for procrastination in my busy schedule. After this work week I think I'm going to knock out the Kill Team mercs I've been taking my time with. They came together really good and make a lot of sense as conversions. When I slap some paint on them people are going to die... on the table and off.

Plenty of distractions have already been popping up.,, SW The Old Republic has been drawing me in. Not so sure I have a computer system to meet the finer points of the game so at least that's one thing keeping me from pulling the trigger with this major distraction. It looks so amazing though! It also stokes nostalgia from the old Star Wars RPG made by West End games... I would pay a ludicrous amount of money to get the old crew together for weeks on end and do this all over again with our new found life experiences and such. I'd imagine the games would be a lot more detailed and serious than we ever thought was imaginable. Maybe the crew can rekindle on SWTOR... more to follow

Higher education is another ridiculous time sink that I wish I didn't need but somehow if I don't do it now I'm certain it would bite me in the arse one day. In 7 years I want to be retired with some kind of ridiculously easy side job that you'll probably need a Masters for. The side job is merely to help ends meet so I can spend all of my time on hobbies and games! I figure after giving up 20 years for the greater good, one is entitled to living the good life.

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