Thursday, January 13, 2011

So the boy and I played a 1000 points of Templars vs Orks and after a few hours both of discovered we really really wanted to play Gorkamorka again.  From there we schemed over what would be in our gangs and have been converting our butts off ever since. We also decided we would magnetize portions of our gangs to better play into "what-you-see-is-what-you-get". Arms and backpacks seem to be where we're going with the magnetization. Could have gone overboard and done heads and torsos but we decided that was a bit too much. As it sits we both have about 5 guys to put together and paint and maybe a few augments to 2 existing  vehicles and we're ready to roll into battle. Oh wait!!! While I was at work today I drew up a beautiful schematic of a modular wasteland table and plan on throwing the project together tomorrow. All I need is some texture paint, some brown and tan paint and the rest should be a breeze with all of the crap I've collected over the eons.  More posts to follow!

1 comment:

  1. Gorkamorka looks rather interesting. A skirmish game with vehicles! Interesting. Sorry for my lack of post. Pretty hectic times since December. Haven't touched anything 40k for quite sometime. Keep us updated dude!
