Wednesday, January 19, 2011

GorkaMorka Wasteland Terrain

Have been working on various elements of Gorkamorka for the last 2 weeks. I've got 6 models completed that have magnetic arms and weapon packs. It would seem the more inebriated I am the better the magnets respond because the other day I spent 2 hours trying to unfrak a couple of the magnets that were set with the wrong polarity; while I was sober... but alas, that is for another post.

I've also been working on a new terrain table for more than 5 days now. Jonny asked for some pics... all I have are WIPs. The following shows you 2 sections of the 4 I'm working on. Yep that will make an 8 foot board. Not shown is the board with a series of islands over a toxic lake, and then the starts of an abandoned Imperial city. The sections are partially modular. Since I took the image below, I've completed 2 more levels of dry brushing as well as a final wash of Woodland Scenics: Burnt Umber. It looks great but you'll have to see it for yourself (when is the next game??? and when is Joel going to respond to my emails????)  I ran out part way through the final coat so I've had had to cease paint ops until my ebay order arrives. Otherwise, I plan on adding a series of modular: rock spires, wooden forts, wrecked vehicles, a "Mork-Donalds", and various scrap piles. As it stands, I should be done with 3 of the 4 sections by Saturday. One way or another, you'll have an update with pics!


  1. Cool man. Love WIPs, gets one in the mood to game...even if they are stuck in hickville. Urge to game.....rising.

  2. Hell yeah dude! Working on the island section and a rocky outcropping-oasis at the moment; w/ palm trees, boulders and water effects...

    Ready to play when you are brother! Whether it be 40k or a skirmish game... just need a few more days to knock this out and move on to the models. Where the heck is Joel?
