Sunday, November 28, 2010

"And I thought that they smelled bad on the outside"

Tauntaun conversion for 40k
The mighty 5+ save cold one conversion to a tauntaun for my imperial guard themed around star wars rebel alliance and the hoth battle. Ughh.... They will die in droves and take up a very competitive fast attack slot (read snowspeeder valkyrie substitute) but they are too awesome not to use. The close up pictures and terrible lighting do not do them justice. When you look at them when you are not right on them they look pretty good. I'm looking forward to having a squad of 8-10 of these guys running around. The guy in front is for scale purposes but it does make an excellent picture.

I used the cold one that I had around from a donation by Jonny (thanks!). To change the shape of the legs I cut off the cold one claws on the back legs and replaced them with the hooves from the termagaunts I had from the Battle of Macragge set. By repositioning the feet I was able to get it up off the ground a bit so that it looks like it is running on just the two legs. The front claws are a bit big for my taste but it didn't look like there was a way to chop them up and still make them look proportioned to the muscle on the torso.

It is a bit thin for a tauntaun but there is nothing I can do about that. The horns I used from a warhammer chaos warrior (I'm not really sure on that though). That was the only one I had so I am going to have to order more. They are a bit crooked because while I was flocking it the horn came off. I tried to move it back the best I could but I forgot to check the top view. Otherwise I did not make any major changes to it's face.

The rider is going to be problematic. As far as I can tell there are no human rider legs by GW that are going to fit well with the tauntaun. I may have to use the regular cadian legs.... hmmm... maybe catachan legs and chop the crap out of them. Any suggestions are welcome.


  1. Dude, that's awesome!! Much better than that other one we saw online sometime ago. The only two things I'd suggest are shortening the arms some and reducing the amount of fur on the face. I suppose the Cold-ones lizard face shows through, hell with it, it kicks ass as is.

    For legs, what about Space Marine Scout Biker legs? EBAY it!

  2. JOEL!!! What is the deal? How can you outdo yourself with every post???

    AMAZING hahahahahaha! I love it!

    Alas, you have grown too big for this forum. You must extend your wings like a Teridactal and post army pics in normal 40k forums.

    "Do it, do it, do it..."

  3. Yes, I am the motherfucking pterodactyl!

  4. I looked into the scout biker legs and they are hard to come by. All rider legs are hard to come by on the bits sites on ebay. I imagine they would have a lot of demand for the cold ones and horses why not the riders?

    Oh well back to hacking up some legs.
