The Adeptus Astartes second salamander chapter flew by an
unexplored planet, or so they thought. The filthy necrons had already landed
and set up a few obelisks as they explore this strange new territory.
Salamanders, wanting to claim the land for the emperor and make the planet an
economical advantage for them, landed and prepared for battle The salamanders
with 20 troops, a terminator Chaplain, Terminators, a Rhino, drop pod, stormtalon gunship and the
legion of the damned covered in spectral flames. They landed and the techmarine
informed them how many and what the enemy is. 17 warriors, 7 scarabs, 10
immortals, 5 destroyers, 3 wraiths and
of course their warlord.
the techmarine in a nearby building is assaulted by the wraiths, somehow
forgetting he has servo arms and a flamethrower on one, he starts attempting to
punch the wraiths. After 20 long minutes of fighting, the techmarine gets one
wound off on the wraiths and then dies an honorable death. The marines in cover
start firing on the destroyers, one falls but rebuilds itself.
The legion of the damned come behind the horde
of necrons in a drop pod. Their goal was to wither down the troops. The heavy
bolter fires into the crowd as the storm bolter on the drop pod and the rest
along side the heavy. To their surprise, they drop like flies. Then there were
4. They charge, the necrons getting intimidated, but not enough to retreat.
The warriors fire blindly and kill the heavy bolter. The rest punch the necrons with them
crumbling at their fists. The terminators and Stormtalon drop in to kill the
immortals and prevent them from providing support to the normal troops. The
Stormtalon brings the immortals to their knees as the terminators are ready to
charge soon. The Stormtalon never knew they had the sky fire nexus and quickly
the wraiths and the squad that came from the rhino are in combat. The normal
troops dying off leaving it to the sergeant to finish them off. The sergeant
struggles for a little, but is eventually able to saw his way straight through
one of them. He struggles to fend off the rest during the rest of the battle.
The squad in front continue shooting at the destroyers and eventually kills
two, but only after they kill a terminator.
terminator sergeant becomes enraged and swiftly slits one of the rusty bucket
of bolts’ wires as the rest trudge next to deliver a mighty blow with power
fists. They mow through the crowd until it reaches three immortals against
three terminators. One of the immortals is able to catch the terminator off
guard and put his gun to his chest and fire.
Back with
the legion of the damned, one legionary dies. But, the necron overlord can’t
stand how terrifying the legion of the damned are and uses his only veil of
darkness to teleport to the other side of battle. They appear behind my
chaplain’s squad and begin firing on the closest target, the chaplain. The
chaplain absorbs all of the gauss fire and shrugs it off. The salamanders hear the
sounds of mighty engines and thrusters. Necron reinforcements arrive and the
salamanders are forced to retreat. They are later informed this planet is named
Alonde. This battle showing the necron’s fear and cowardice is known as the
battle of Alonde.
Ethan's Debriefing
This was a very excellent and close game. The
final score was 11-8. Dad won with eleven. The techmarine (not painted) started
off in the building to capture the objective, but couldn’t get to the rhino
before it was swarmed. My rhino was waiting for my techmarine to arrive, but
was attacked by scarabs first. Their was no point for my techmarine to waste a
turn to continue descending the building. The rhino shouldn't have waited for the techmarine, I should have known that the wraiths would've killed him anyways. I was too worried about the scarabs
even though I only had one troop to try to kill them. (Stupid honey badgers)
I was
attempting to trick dad to think another squad had the flamethrower. The
positioning of the drop pod and the legion of the damned inside was risky and
an excellent choice. The legion of the damned was attacked by less troops then
if they dropped into the middle of the horde, showing strategy helps before blindly running into combat.
My stormtalon arrived and was going to the
immortals to weaken them before the terminators charged. But the immortals had
sky-fire nexus and was easily able to shoot the stormtalon down, but they still didn’t shoot my terminators at all so they survived a little longer.
When dad had killed 2 of my terminators with his
destroyer, when I used their 2+ armor save I had terrible rolls of ones. If the
necrons couldn’t get back up, I probably would have gotten a lot more kills…. I
still can’t believe my stormtalon wasn’t even alive for two turns.
Joel's (Dad) Debriefing
1. Great job, Ethan. You made some solid tactical decisions. My favorite was dropping the legion of the damned to the side of the necron warriors and forcing them into a choke point so that only so many could fire and engage in combat. Great use of a choke point! The necron warriors and the overlord were quite surprised.
2. Dumb luck on the stormtalon because who knew that I would get a skyfire nexus for my objective. Otherwise, you set it up right so that it could have potentially gotten two rounds of shooting before it would have to move off board.
3. Terminators did what they were supposed to do, kill effectively. Bad dice rolls happen sometime. I originally intended to have the overlord and his veil of darkness in the immortal squad figuring that you would attack the immortals full force with the legion of the damned and the terminators but when you dropped the drop pod and I recognized the choke point I had to move my overlord to stop the slow murder of my warriors. Which gave you the perfect opportunity to kill my immortals in combat with your terminators. Terminators supporting a drop pod dreadnaught would be scary. Very scary.
4. Ethan, are you listening? What do Rhinos do? Yes, go forward and drop troops off. What happened? Waiting for a techmarine? Why wasn't the techmarine already in the squad? He could have repaired it from the inside.
5. Don't worry so much about the scarabs. They will not destroy your army. They are meant more as a tar pit that your infantry get stuck in and have to murder their way through. At best they will take out a vehicle, which is their purpose, otherwise they are speed bumps.
6. The Chaplain, your warlord, was how many points? 120? What did he do this game? Take 6 gauss flayer shots and watch a squad of space marines die at the hands of the wraiths. He could have taken those wraiths especially if you moved him at the beginning of the fight with the space marine as the wounds could have been placed on the other space marines while you bashed some phasing wraith faces.
Destoyers killing terminators. |
I'm not sure how the Wraiths noticed my techmarine, he was camouflaged with the building... because I forgot to paint him.
ReplyDeleteGreat write up, Ethan! I could taste the action and the repugnant Necrons as you slayed the foul xenos.
ReplyDeleteI also love how effective Space Marines are at punching things and seeing those things eventually explode (even if it takes a couple hundred punches!) This kind of reminds me, your dad used to use a cheesy Street Fighter character that did the same thing. The technique was called a 1000-hand-slap. He was unbeatable for a little while. So, keep punching with those marines. Eventually they will be as cheesy as your dad's street fighter character. For now, I am on your side... suffer not the xenos to live!!!
Joel, great table and scenery bro! Glad to see you guys playing again!
Wow Ethan, great job. Excellent write up. Models look great too!
ReplyDeletei'm not very proud of how alot of them look.