Sunday, August 26, 2012

Malifaux Rising

Alicia Ortega
Dudes! Back again for my latest manic-depressive post. However, I think I have finally found the itch. Just to quickly review, we've talked about Tomorrow's War and Gruntz' wargame rules... 15mm vs 28mm. We also pumped through a bunch of different ideas on story concepts to breathe life into them. (Before I move on let me say I WILL return to Tomorrow's War... great freaking job by Ambush Alley)
How ever, despite sinking a hundred or so bucks on 15mm to begin it just wasn't going to give me the warm fuzzy I was looking for. That's when I started looking at INFINITY (another great game! Will come back to it) and ultimately MALIFAUX!!!

Malifaux takes place in a time of gothic-steampunk Victorian horror with a dose of the wild west. At first I wasn't sure it was going to work... what a weird combination. But after multiple looks at their models and a couple of fluff reads I was sold. Think of Mordheim with a heavy Hellboy-theme (minus the 21st century) and you're pretty much there.  Every night I dreamed about taking the dive into the game. A week after that I visited the local hobby shop and what did I find? A ton of fresh Malifaux stuff! I spent $150 on a book, 2x decks and 4x boxed sets. From there I've been painting the "Ortegas" and helping Cody prep his "Resurrectionists." It's basically going to be spellcasting cowboys VS a necromancer and his zombies (Just 2x warbands of so many). Sound crazy? Absolutely! I think that's why I went with it. All other avenues touched too closely to my job and I think I was just looking for something so different that it could be a true escape. Now! Next up will be all of the terrain concepts I've written down on napkins and of course more painted models. I'm even considering developing a special themed site for the horrors that will be taking place Malifaux. Would be kind of cool to have a standard template for battle reports and really focus in on all the facets of the skirmish game... lots of extra fluff! The site would be mostly operational and less opinion based... meaning all would be in character posts or battle reports. The rest would stay in M.W. & M.W. Please, give me your thoughts and tell me what you think of Alicia (pronounced Eli-See-A!!!

Malifaux Therapy!!!
For terrain bits and counters!


  1. This is a "drunkn pusting" by the way!

  2. Nice coherency for a drunkn pusting. Should we be worried?

    As far a Malifaux goes it seem interesting. I would prefer less steam punk and more wild west but overall it seems unique and characterful. I know nothing of the rules but not sure about the card system. Ughhh I have to buy models AND cards.

    Of the different factions I like the models for the archanists but I would love to write from the persepective of the neverborn. Unfortunately, I hate most of the neverborn models. I guess I could supplement their terrible models with other 32mm. How about a size comparison to 40k?

    Alicia looks good but her top should be another color as her very bronzed skin washes out the red of her top. Perhaps a midnight blue or violet.

    Overall it seems interesting but I'm not ready to committ quite yet. Can you reccommend any review sites that do a good job of characterizing the rules? Keep us posted on how your experiments go.

  3. Good call on the painting recommendation. Right before I put the matte coat on, I washed the blouse with a Baal Red which leveled the color out too much. I really want her top to be red so I'm going to go back and re-highlight the raised areas that come close to the skin to give a better contrast. I considered making it sheer but thought that might offend (or excite) the G-rated audience too much. Anyways, I think a bit of red is going to be the highlight color for the whole gunfighters crew... borrowing the theme from Tomb Stone and I love the way the color looks on miniatures.

    As for websites, I have been all over the web looking for images, inspiration and reviews. Even though I've seen great stuff everywhere I haven't really gone back to any particular sites except
    I've saved a few images here and there for terrain concepts and paint schemes down the road but over all it's just a variety of google searches.

    Cody totally agrees with you on the Neverborn. Hae you seen the avatar model? It's fantastic! As for size comparison, I'll take an image later so you can see. They don't work well together as even the IG come off like Arnold when standing next to them. However, just about any non-human 'thing' would be fine... also consider Warmachine and Hordes, there are plenty of proxy models from there.

    The more you look at the Wyrd miniature line the more they grow on you.

    No pressure to make anybody take the jump. Just wanting to share. I think you nailed it though. The idea is being able to play a narrative skirmish-level campaign where you are telling a story about people and creatures fighting for their lives (or just living their lives) in a nightmarish world.

    Cody and I will be play testing today. Will try to get another post but no pics until we get more painting done... having to use Mordheim as proxy models.

  4. The play test went very well. I set up a small board (2'x3') with a bunch of gothic looking terrain bitz scattered about. We set up on either side and called it a street fight with no other real objectives. I had to reference the rule book a bunch of times which slowed down game play but overall it was really fun. I see so much promise and dimension to our future games.

    As for Alicia Perdita, I ended up lightening her skin with dwarf flesh which has really fixed the contrast between her bronze skin and red blouse. Image to follow in a few days.

    Once I'm off I'll be doubling up on painting time so I plan on finishing the gunslingers group and moving on to Cody's Resurectionists.
