Saturday, May 26, 2012

uh oh.. My durken posting

What the f#$K is wrong with you?  Why doesn't everyone watch Doctor Who.  Aside from the most beautiful, besided my wife (ha I am not that drunk) and her (yeah she is a huge fuckin nerd with little personality and probably has daddy issues woo for everryone and yeah I mean EVERYONE!) she (red means wed baby!) is fucii hot.  Alos, the writing is clever and ufnny. It's awesome.  You must cuck.  Watch Doctor Whor.  I just went pee and coulnt' fell.  I can't stop laughing.  Why ? UHH I'm so fuckd up!


  1. I'm not totally in the bag today but I am pretty sure my posts is changing. I know I definately didn't censor anything. Wierd.

  2. Nice. very nice. Spanktrtavision? I know what our new most popular post is going to be.

  3. Sorry I had to revisit. I love "durken pusts"....very amusing. I'm going to start a band called "Durken Pusts". I'm saving this page, and yes, Joel, I'm going to be giving you a ration of shit every time I can about this pusting.

  4. The whole thing was very stream of consciousness writing. For as wasted as I was I held it mostly together. Tyring to put those links in was a pain because I kept clicking on the wrong button.

    Interesting that durken pusts was the best thing I've come up with over the last 10,000 words I've written. I wonder what would happen if I wrote the next report while drunk.

  5. I, for one, welcome the new durken lord...

  6. That is awesome, yes, but time to nerd it up a bit...

    I know that quote comes from somewhere. Had to research it. Simpsons is where I know it from but the origin is even more awesome.

    That movie's gotta be on netflix.

  7. I'm durnk again and this fors it funny as hiote.
