Wednesday, November 2, 2011

City of the Dead---Escape from Halloween 2011!!!!

"Ajax clear the facility on the left, my brothers will secure the main fairway."
With it being Halloween the Padawan and I decided to play a game of "City of the Dead." It's been a LONG time since we've endeavored in this and I don't remember a single game where the Zombies didn't win. We decided to open up the game to pretty much anything that was loyal to the Emperor to keep it Good vs Evil. The game has been an absolute blast and is still unfolding. Below are some of the rules we used and a ton of pics that capture a lot of the action.

The rules were quite simple:

Players will select 45 points of any force loyal to the Emperor with the following exceptions:
- No 2+ saves
- No units with an AV
- No units with an assault pack/bike.

Zombies have line of sight for 12" and their stats are as follows:
Mv: 4"/8" WS: 3 BS: 0 S:3 T:3 A:1 Sv:6+ *Feel No Pain (extra 4+ Sv unless power weapon / instakill)
- Zombie models will group with any other zombie model(s) within 3"
- Every grouping of 2 or more Zombies will roll on the AI Chart below every turn:

1. Remain drooling in place
2. Wander in random direction (walk)
3. Wander in random direction (run)
4. Move and attempt to consolidate with closest Zombie group or individual
5. Wander directly towards sentient being (run)
6. Alerted to living presence (Runs and continues to pursue until dead)

The game board was packed with urban scenery and featured several crates arrayed in various locations which represent great fortune or bad luck. When within 12" LOS roll on table below:
1. Possessed monster springs into action!
2. D3 Zombies appear and give chase
3. D6 Zombies appear and give chase 
4. Weapons Upgrade (Double Shots)
5. Weapons Upgrade (Flamer unit, Demo Charge, Hvy wpn choice)
6. Mortar Barrage (D3 templates S:4/AP:5)

The ultimate goal is to get to the truck on the other side of the board.


  1. Battle was intense, gotta admit, Ajax was that close from dying by the hand of the Demon by the truck!

  2. cool. It looks like the truck mad it... woo!!

  3. and they were not super zombies.... woo!
