Sunday, February 25, 2018


The Tau Fireblade HQ unit provides some buffs to Firewarriors/Naval Infantry. For now I'm going to use this guy to represent the model but I think I'll need to come up with something exceptional looking... at which time this guy becomes a mainline Firewarrior/Naval Infantry Sgt type dude.

Stealth Pods (not drones)

I really didn't like the Stealth suits so I went after something that could drop the hoof legs and useless arms. Looks like a drone but I imagine there is actually a dude or the remnants of a dude inside piloting the thing...

KDI Naval Infantry

After a few failed experiments in paint schemes I settled for a light darker desert tan for the primary color. Red lens looks good... and I'm using turquoise as my default color for energy weapons...I ended up adding some yellowish sludge to the base (where the rust build up was supposed to be) which really makes it pop with out taking away from the model.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Kaigun Defense Initiative (KDI)... it begins

Naval Infantry prototype... Fire Warrior proxy. Probably only going to make one change... green stuffing a pinky finger on normal Tau arms. Will save an immense amount of time.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Second Battle of Alonde

          The second salamander chapter finished were informed 2 days later that the Black Templars had attempted to finish the necrons off when we had gotten a distress signal over the vox. They had a fly-by to see the results. What they saw was a massacre. The Black Templars had almost been completely annihilated by the rusting necrons.  They landed and disembarked, seeing all of the enemy troops. Their was one man still mostly alive, and the heartless necrons had missed this lone survivor in the Imperium’s own factory. This was the property of the Emperor…  not the necron’s, we needed to do something about that. They had many reasons to fight, show no weakness to their recently discovered forge-father, avenge the fallen Salamanders and Templars and more importantly satisfy the God-Emperor and provide divine vengeance to the filthy necrons.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Battle of Alonde

The Adeptus Astartes second salamander chapter flew by an unexplored planet, or so they thought. The filthy necrons had already landed and set up a few obelisks as they explore this strange new territory. Salamanders, wanting to claim the land for the emperor and make the planet an economical advantage for them, landed and prepared for battle The salamanders with 20 troops, a terminator Chaplain, Terminators,  a Rhino, drop pod, stormtalon gunship and the legion of the damned covered in spectral flames. They landed and the techmarine informed them how many and what the enemy is. 17 warriors, 7 scarabs, 10 immortals, 5 destroyers, 3 wraiths  and of course their warlord.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Swordwind Descends

Farseer Loeghair Fasineak studied the skeins of fate that fluttered before him.  Memories, some long past while others yet to come, came at him like a blizzard of emotion.  The centuries of training provided him the ability to move past the personal and look to the future of the precious race.

Images and emotions of happiness and ease flooded his mind.  Children smiling at the parade of the Winterfell Blades festival, a coy giggle shared between lovers, an artist perfecting the final ice shard that fell at the Battle of Rayzice Ridge.  Then the emotions changed.  He felt cold and alone.  The images that flashed before him where that of a proud Dire Avenger warrior screaming the pains that can only be caused from She Who Thirsts, a grimace of despair from an old woman seeing the destruction of her genetic legacy, and the confusion of a young boy never knowing how he came to be in a cage. 

Farseer Loeghair focused his attention and followed the rails of time of each of the three: Eoghan Pairt who served as a Dire Avenger, Dohnand Morai the woman near the end of her time, and the captive child Luihgsec Garmahc .  Many times did the paths of each cross one another but to a man it would all seem inconsequential or perhaps coincidence; any farseer would know otherwise.  The moment of clarity came and the course of action became obvious.  He awoke from his trance and laid his hand on the smooth wraithbone floor of the mediatation chamber and summoned a small strike team to meet him at the webway gate.  The whispers of the infinity circuit carried his message to those that were fated to answer his request.

The militant nature of the Biel-Tan craftworld lusted at the call and were already waiting at the webway gate a few moments later.  Farseer Loeghair activated the webway gate and turned to his men-at-arms, "It is time for the swordwind to cull the devious legions of man as they disturb the resting place of the Ebidonhtl."

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Nahvus Chronicles: Indecision and Misplacement (A special double post)

 Disgusting xeno filth,” shouted Captain Nahvus, “this planet is crawling with it.”  He gestured astutely to give abrupt orders before the precise lasrifle shots of Eldar Rangers began to pour into the tactical marines that rummaged through the resupply drop that had recently been made.

“Mon-Keigh, leave this planet now,” whispered the voice of Autarch Garmeesh through the ether, “before you cause more damage than you already have.”

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Return of the THeX: Homefront

"This must have been the threat the Black Templars acted on.  They just got it wrong,” said General Quinn as he poured over a series of pictograms displayed on the data slate,  “Typical, shoot first ask questions later.”
“You would’ve been there if it weren’t for that xeno raid on Trihoth,” stated Col. Abrathis
“I can’t help but think that if I were there at that slaughter could have been avoided.  Eckes’ enthusiasm was always his weakness.  I can’t say that I agree with Hoggar about Eckes, but certainly  someone a bit more grounded would have saw that disaster coming.” 
A sudden stirring in the air caused their attentions to shift from the data slate toward the door.  Lt. Talman entered fresh from patrol on the barren wastes of Tetrahoth.  “Sir, Captain Vertrees hasn’t reported back from his scouting mission in sector 7G,” said Lt. Talman.  “I expect that he has met resistance.”
“Take out THeX 8th company to investigate.  Keep the T-47’s on standby and roll out one of the T-4B’s for support.”