Saturday, October 23, 2010


While I was in the Bahamas I read HELSREACH and I must say it was absolutely amazing! It was the most exilerating and tragic story I have EVER read. Never heard of the author before but Aaron Dembski-Bowden did an wonderful job. I think there were 30 characters to follow and only 3 made it through until the end. That doesn't include the hundreds of thousands of Imperial Guard that also died in the process. Even if you're not an avid Space Marine fan, the book is a work of art and I'll be reading it again in the coming days; but for now, I am painting Neophytes... Ugh, they don't paint fast enough! I nearly finished one today but will have to use tomorrow to knock out the 4 I have in the hopper. Stay tuned for a HUGE update to the "Templar Rising" post.


  1. To answer from a previous post: My trip is only a week, so I'll be back the 14th.

    Sweet picture, that's some damn fine art and inspiration. Keep posting on progress dudes, I'm getting the paiting bug again. Just holding out until November.

  2. Looking forward to the update.

    Among the links on the side of the page could you add a home link back to the main page. It is a pain in the ass to typed the comment, post it and the retype the address back in the address bar.

  3. On the topic of space marines check out

    A few seconds of funny.

  4. Joel, after you post a comment, just click on the Mad Wars & Mad World banner at the top, it sends you back to the main page.

    Nice vid, Dragqueen Marines....HAHAHAHA. That needs to be a full length video. I'm afraid to ask if you were searching Space Marines or Drag Queens on Youtube!

  5. He searched for Eldar and Space Marine Drag Queens came up!

