Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just some ramblings

Figure I would just say hey. As posted before, I'm heading to San Diego on Nov 7th. Pretty excited, though that delays any development of my all female Dark Eldar army even further. Argh!

Preordered about $200 as a start, Codex, HQ, two Warriors, Wyches & Raider. A small start to hopefully a fun and great army. Pissed none of the old models are even in collectors anymore. So, started to Ebay some old female Dark Eldar models. Going to try to updated them some, maybe switch weapons, heads or whatever comes to mind with some of the new kits bitz. Found this sweet Harlequin Avatar stand in to the left. Bid starts at $199.


  1. All female Dark Eldar army sounds awesome. Although I can't believe all that costs $200. They are some nice looking models though.

    That is a neat Harlequin Avatar model. As an Eldar player I am offended at the Necron deciever model is the conversion model basis. Especially since some people insist that the C'tan called the Deciever is actually pretending to be the Eldar God Cegoroch (or something like that). My nerdiness knows no bounds. (M'glaven)

    How long are you in San Diego?

  2. Dude! I absolutely love the new Dark Eldar models. My favorite thus far are the Mandrake models... fucking A+. I also read somewhere about the Homunculus who can cause wounds on a 3+ which inflict instant death??? I think this is the army you've been looking for a long time. The Dark Eldar are fast and vicious in both ranged and close combat. Their models are beautiful and you don't necessarily have to convert them because to Joel and I will think they all look converted. There's nothing like playing and army where you can identify with individual models on the board. Every novel I read the Dark Eldar are laughing as the inflict pain, misery and death; and verge on suicidal raids and combat. They are villainized in most novels but I think they are misunderstood. They aren't evil, at least not from their perception. They are doing what must be done according to their society's code. I mean, banging a troupe of 'Sisters of Battle' against their will is perfectly acceptable. Right? I mean they shot 1st but just missed so now they have to be punished... for eternity! Right?


  3. Regarding Joel's comment, I don't think it's nerdy at all. Knowing some background fluff makes the game ten times better.

    Otherwise, I think Eldar are cheese incarnate AND a bunch of fudgepackers... except for Scorpions and the Seer counsel; I'll give some props where they're due.

  4. Wait you forgot fire dragons and banshees, oh and wraithlords, avatars, wave serpents, and... It's just quicker to list the things that won't work against you.... .... .... ... ...

    I'm still thinking, I'll post again later if anything comes to me.

  5. Alas, you are right Joel... they are ALL fudgepackers.
