Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Daemon is nearly satisfied

Dudes, my daemon is nearing its satisfaction. My last day of this ridiculous work schedule is Tuesday. This means full tilt on production begins Wednesday. To add to my excitement I recently started up an ebay and CMON account where I'll compete with other painters to sell some of my work. I have a large cross section of unpainted models that would easily fit with anyones army. I think I'll focus on HQs, terrain and vehicles for bidders. Will only be able to work 3-4 units in a given week... any more than that and I think quality will start to suffer. Not going to charge too much, until I get established. This should be fun! Oh, by the way Games Day in August!!!! Where is the rally point.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, glad to hear your almost headed home! Unfortunatey my daemon has been hell too, I've had zero progress for like two weeks! Love the idea about selling painted minis, your a hell of a painter, I think you've found your retirement plan! Yeah kind of excited for Games Day, I really hope they have some Dark Eldar teasers.
