Now that it's over, I did an inventory of all of the projects I had been working on. I also posted up a ton of Ork stuff on Ebay that I wouldn't be getting to for probably the next year. It felt great and I think it's all affordable enough that I'll get rid of it with in the next week. I also, decided to paint up some stuff and let buyers decide how much its worth. Kind of doing this just for my own amusement. Will post results in the coming weeks. Totally stoked though.
This brings me to the image you see on the left. My son and I came up with some rules to fight zombies in the 40k universe. Well, in the last day we revised the rules and came up with a very original concept. We're going to continue to work at it for the better part of tomorrow and see where it takes us. At the moment, I'm more interested in making terrain and models for use in our home grown game. Of course, I'll never give up on 40k... but for right now there's just something about the horror of zombies and monsters running up against a few heros with advanced technology and limited amounts of ammunition that gets my grox. Much much more to follow.
Hey cool about the ebay thing, let us know how that goes! More City of the Dead eh? That's cool too, blog some pics!