MADWARS' Workbench


Initiate Bolters 
- Updated: Tuesday, 08JUN'13
- Stage: Configured & Primed
- Notes: Bought this squad of 6x 'old school' Dark Angels for around $20 on EBay!  As you can see, I added the appropriate Templar accoutrements and they'll make a fine addition to the 5th Crusade. No updated rules but it's time to add some bolters to the force... my primary focus on Saturday.


6x Gun Mages
- Updated: Saturday, 30 MAR'13
- Stage: Built... 
- Notes: Something about these models really appeals to me. I think of Grammaton Clerics from Equilibrium in regalia from Colonial times. Awesome! 


3x Heroes, Descent 2nd Edition
- Updated: Wednesday, 24 APR'13
- Stage: Primed. Dwarf Complete
- Notes: These guys are 25mm in size and poor quality plastic when compared to GW. I'll be sticking with major details and not worry about the eyes and skin highlights too much... just table quality. I have about 50x different models associated with the game so I hope they paint up quick!  Meh, Bored...


7x Ork Warbikers
- Updated: Friday, 29 MAR'13
- Stage: Configured & Nob is done...the rest are on hold.
- Notes: The bases turned out very well. I'd like to have more rust on these guys than anything but I don't want to lose the color scheme... they still have to match the Warboss. The Nob imaged above took 4 days but that's because I was experimenting with skin tons and trying to find a better way to paint reds. Only thing he is missing now is some graffiti on his warbike!


1 of 6, 15mm Modular Terrain Boards
- Updated: Sunday, 5 May'13
- Stage: Primed. Base Flock
- Notes: Plan is for 6x total modular pieces. The fuel depot came together really quickly.  I also have a giant crater module planned, should the depot ever need to be replaced due to wayward fire. I think I'll complete 4x modules before I commence painting.
- Module #1: Fuel Farm
- Module #2: T-section Road
- Module #3: Straight Road
- Module #4: Curved Road
- Module #5: Dense City Block
- Module #6: Large Crater                                                          


"Ironclad" - Heavy Warjack
- Updated: Sunday, 21 APR'13
- Stage: Completed
- Notes: This will be one of the larger 'jacks in my army. Trying to figure out if I'm going to do something special for his base (Prob not). I'm done with this guy for now... in the most basic fashion. I see a dozen highlights & details that I'll fix up when I'm painting the next Warjack (Silder glimmer on the gold, yet another blue highlight, maybe some blood on his hammer and charred stacks). You wouldn't think it but I used more then 4x shades of blue. For now this guy is ready to bash some Cryx! ...and I need to get to the next project!!!!


Commander Coleman Stryker
- Updated: Saturday, 06 APR'13
- Stage: Completed
- Notes: Stryker came together over the course of the week. In the image above his base is still wet and I ended up adding a little more grass effects. Otherwise, I give him a grade of Meh+. Had a very difficult time with blues so by the time I got to the highlight phase of everything else I rushed it. I'm much more excited about another warcaster character and will spend some serious hours on her model.


"Lancer" - Light Warjack
- Updated: Friday, 29 MAR'13
- Stage: Completed
- Notes: Probably took me two days. I went through too many shades of blue until I came across something acceptable. Not thrilled about using blue but the fluff doesn't make sense with green or red Cygnar. There are still some small details I'll be fixing on this guy as I move onto the other models but he's done in my book.


Ork Dakka Jet
- Updated: Sunday, 10 MAR'13
- Stage: Complete
- Notes:  The model is simply beautiful! Haven't read the rules just yet but from what I hear he has about a 2x turn life and is guaranteed to kill what ever you need dead. AND,the kit came with so many bits!! I can make another 5x objective markers and outfit a few squads with some sick conversions on what was left over. 


The Wicked, Chaos Coven
- Updated: Saturday, 02 MAR'13
- Stage: Heroes of the Cult
- Notes: All over the place with these guys.  Mutants, madmen and all types of manifestations.  Also, check out the horrific bases with dead bodies and gore all over!!! YES!!!!!!  I started with Barabus and he ended up just too clean for my taste. Since he will be the resident Khorne worshiper I added lots of blood splatter to his face and torso... what do you expect when you have a chainsaw for an arm? 


Land Raider Crusader
- Updated: Wednesday, 23JAN'13 
- Stage:  Complete
- Notes: The assault cannon wasn't terrible but OMGE, the Multi-melta gunner took me two days. In the end, the LRC wasn't as bad as the drop pod. I actually enjoyed every night I spent on it.  I took a couple of shortcuts which saved about 2-3 more hours of painting but am satisfied with the over all look on the table top. I'm already seeing some details that need to be fixed and a few sections that need to be sealed with gloss or satin varnishes. Will probably make these fine tunings just before the next game. For now, this project is done! 


Fallen Aquila 
- Updated: Thursday, 24JAN'13
- Stage: Complete
- Notes: Went with a green Aquila and a brown/grey base. 1st snow terrain!


- Updated: Thursday, 31JAN'13
- Stage: Complete
- Notes: The base model was an old Priest model from the Warhammer Fantasy line. He's going to be used in the 40k Skirmish game as a member of an Inquisitorial Warband or a Hired gun. Still need to add spent casings to his base but I don't have any suitable bits; need to place an order...


 Wicked Psykers & Gore Bases
- Updated: Friday, 01FEB'13
- Stage: Complete
- Notes: Zombie bits and a new way to apply blood and gore... for they taint the ground they walk upon. These guys turned out better than expected. Only took about 3 hours each.


- Updated: Monday, 25 FEB'13
- Stage: Complete
- Notes: Super fast paint job here... probably an hour. Good enough for the table. Pay no attention to how crappy the caution markings turned out. ;)


(Not comprehensive of course)



  1. Love the skin on the ork biker. I agree, the ork flyer model is a classic look. Could it also be a bomber?

    Ohhh.... you could put an ork on top of an extra bomb riding its way down a la Dr. Strangelove. I know its not original but it would still be great to see.

    1. Thanks dude! I'm using a dessert yellow for one of the final highlights before I apply a green wash. I will not/not be going back through all of my models repainting them though...

      No Bombers for me... strictly DAKKA-DAKKA-DAKKA!

      During a WAAGH all shots are doubled. Since I'm planning for 2x Dakka jets that will make for 36x twin linked 6/4 shots when the WAAGH is called.

    2. Did you use weathering powders on the wings and the engine? If not, how'd you do it?

    3. After a red gore base coat, I dry brushed blood red and that didn't look so good so I applied a red wash. I dry brushed metal here and there... where ever I thought there would be distress (from pushing the boundaries of speed). From there I stippled areas of the wings where Flak explosions came a little too close (black and several types of metal w/ a brown wash). As for weathering I used FW Medium Earth and a super light application of Bone Dust. On the metal I used a combination of an orange wash, Devlan Mud and a rust colored weathering pigment. The final matte sealant brought it all together very well in the end.

      Sorry for the data dump. In the end I'm still on the fence with how the model turned out. I chose a few shortcuts which haven't set well with me just yet (I normally highlight every hard edge). Certainly after the thing performs horribly or is destroyed by a wayward pistol shot I will be happy I didn't waste any more time on it. Thanks for the comment!

  2. Did you figure a better way to paint red?

  3. Yeah... Red Gore, Blood Red, Blazing Orange, Red Wash, thin Black Wash, Blood Red HL, Blazing Orange HL. :)

  4. Holy crap look at all the stuff your doing! They all look amazing. damn I can't wait to get back into it!

    1. Thanks man! Come back... the hobby misses you!

  5. Those models look pretty cool, strange seeing true scale after years of Heroic scale 40k. Are they resin?

    1. Nah, they are some kind of rubber/plastic mix... I don't like it but I enjoy the game and will allow the models to grow on me.

  6. Dwarf looks great. Love the eyes!
