Saturday, June 19, 2010

Secure the Webgate

This is an older battle Jonny and I played on May 22nd. His tyranids vs. my Eldar, 1800 points, capture and control, with spearhead deployment. I deployed all of my force but Jonny kept something hidden in reserve. Scary stuff as he doesn't appear to have much on the field.

Jonny got first turn, did some shooting but didn't do much. On my first turn I moved my transports toward his objective (pic) and shot the hell out of his tyrant and guard giving the group 7 wounds with the walkers and fire prism.

On turn 2 Jonny's shooting was more successful as he killed a few scorpions and avengers, and he continued to move up but ran his genestealers behind the rock (bad pic). With the genestealers out of the area around his objectives my transports moved to position around his objective. Shooting from Scorpions and Firedragons killed off his warriors and warrior prime.

Turn 3 almost ensured that the best I could do was draw.The Trygon arrived and shot my fire prism shaking and stunning it. The forward carnifex shot and destroyed one war walker and immobilized the others. The Hive Tyrant and guard assaulted the avengers and killed them off.

The hormaguants wiped out the striking scorpions in assault because we were attacking at the same time.The carnifex on his objective shot the fire dragons and then assaulted killing them all. Genestealers came out from behind the rock and assaulted one of the wave serpents back by the objective and destroyed the turret weapon.

On my turn avengers jumped out of their transport and massacred the genestealers, scorpions shot, then assaulted and destroyed the carnifex, I hold his objective (pic). War walkers and Falcon shoot and kill tyrant (finally) My last remaining unit fell back into the wooded area behind my objective.
On turn 4 the hormaguants surged forward and assualted the storm guardians in cover. I got the inititive and kill all but 3 and the fearless rule took care of the rest. Hormaguants were his last remaining scoring unit.
The Webgate is secure!!!! Victory to the Eldar!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the site dude!!! Great Battle report too! I must say, over the years you've proved Eldar can wear high heels & dresses and still be the most a deadly advesary in the group.
