Argnott the Insane, Warboss of the "Deff Eataz" Clan, rallied his boyz and carried out an assault on a Tyranid infested Imperial Mining colony. Well ahead of the main force, Snikrot reported on the location of a Manufactorium; quickly became the Boss's utmost desire. Taking the facility was one thing, keeping hold of it was the next. Argnott was much smarter than the average Warboss (hence "the insane" bit to his name) and considered several key avenues of approach just as important and they would have to be controlled to stave off any chance of a 'Nid counter attack. He divided his forces, giving Big Mek Buzzgob a healthy smattering of Wartrucks and firepower. After that it was F*%#'ng WAAGH!!!!!
- The Warboss and his Nob Biker retinue ripped through the 'Nid "god squad" but took heavy losses. They managed to push through the Manufactorium and clear out the rest of the bugs.
- 2 x trucks full of Sluggaz and 'Ard orks clashed with 2 swarms of gargoyles on the left flank. After 3 rounds of intense melee combat the Orks took the objective.
- Nog's Shoota Boyz took control of the area's central objective and activated the bridge retraction protocol which prevented access to several swarms of 'Nids.- A fucking Trygon appeared behind the Ork front and started killing everything! Unfortunately, the vile thing came out late in the game and enough Ork fire power was able to take the (beautifully painted) creature out.
- Deffcopters did some damage on the Trygon and 'Nid warriors but continue to fall short of expectations.
Win goes to: ORKS
Taking the Manufactorium, Argnott immediately put his Meks to work. He wanted something big and nasty and he knew it was going to take them some time. After consulting with Big Mek Buzzgob, he was going to have to find something to power it that "stupid oomies" couldn't make.
Nice pictures. The new camera made a difference. I compared the old pics from you and cody battling and I say that the new camera makes the images sharper.
ReplyDeleteJonny, is that old one eye? The black carnifex with the yellow and red. I haven't seen the painted gargoyles, very nice.
Also, any picture with the trygon is a great picture.
The changes to the site are nice. I love the collapsed post style and the teaser picture. One suggestion though... do you think you need the right column as wide as it is?
ReplyDeleteThanks brother! Excellent critiques... just made the changes. Currently working on our battle shots... You going to stick with MADWARS or branch out?
ReplyDeleteNow that you have met my demands I think I'll stick with MADWARS.
ReplyDeleteBesides I don't have enough content right now to create my own blog and it would probably be a poor copy of yours anyway. Might as well stick with the best.
To answer, yep that's Old One Eye. He came out to get shot and regenerate his wounds back. Never got to use his uber fun attack ability though. By the time he made it to combat it was too late. Pretty disappointing list on my part really. Too much hand to hand, he shot my ass to hell as I attempted to get across the board.
ReplyDeletehur-hur-hur... You're talking about Orks shooting.