Monday, April 23, 2012

Reinforcements Have Arrived!!!

DUDES!!! My order finally arrived! It consisted of Zone Mortalis and enough bitz, bobs and minis for about 2x solid months of work!!! Not included are the 15x Assault Terminators and the Arvus Lighter Transport. Take a look!


  1. Chaos? Are you branching out?

  2. Ha! Nah, those guys are for the 'Wicked' traitor warband in the "Illuminatus" (read as City of the Dead) 40k skirmish game Cody and I play. Their function is similar to the genestealers and zombies in that they are antagonists to all players on the table. I'm going to put up a section one of these days to streamline the rules for public consumption and manipulation.

    ...then again, would be cool to run a Renegade group against my friend Ryan's IG.

  3. IG against IG is pretty awesome at least at the lower point options that Jonny and I have tried. 5 saves that mean something and lasguns that do more than make strong things angry. It's amazing!

  4. Good God that is f'n sweet. FW better visit your house and offer services for the stuff you've bought!
