Friday, June 11, 2010

Scorched Earth (1950 Ork vs Cron)

The Necron force poured through the Imperial city and the C'Tan god came ever closer to fulfilling its ends. The Tyr were pushing hard to recover enough plasma reactors to reactivate a gargantuan slumbering warship within the planets crust. Sensing victory, the god ordered genocide of all human life on the planet. Kratos, Arch Necron Lord, set to fulfilling the bloody task and gather the final components.

Snikrot, the notorious Ork Kommando, had been living within the city's sewer system for weeks spotting and assessing Imperial defenses. The Crons just made the deal that much sweeter... especially when one of his boyz hacked into the Tin 'Ead mainframe and discovered the Crons had a way off the rock.

"Boss, Snikrot here. Tin 'Eads in da city, torchin everyfing. Dey collectin batteries for a big ride dey got buried in da sand. Da ride iz big enough fer all da boyz... wha'ya want me ta do?"

"Snik, dis iz Krom. We'ze gonna hit da city from da Norf. Keep da Tin 'Eads in sight and start blastin Fukkaz when we showz up... and grab up whateva dey iz lookin fer. I'z bring'n Orkimedes so we can get da hell off dis rock."
Cody used all of his Necrons and came up with 1950 points so we set the table up with smoking/burning buildings. Smoking Buildings coveyed a +1 cover save and the burning buildings were dangerous terrain. In the mission, he was suppose to be the attacker but lost the first turn (rolled a 1!). I hate going first but it worked to my advantage, even though I was set for a defensive action.
- 2 consecutive SAG shots wiped out 5 Immortals and 8 Necrons.
- Snikrot and Kommandos deployed behind enemy lines and wiped out an entire Necron squad.
- Heavy Destroyers screamed through Ork lines and raked the Battle Wagon's rear armor.
- Mob of orks braved a burning building and kept an objective while on fire.
- Tank Busters shot up Monolith (2x Weapn Destroyed results)
- Climax occured as 12x 'Ard Orks contested central objective for 2 rounds against 3x Wraiths, 5x Immortals and 10x Necron Warriors. 'Ard Orks eventually broke and fell back. This would enable the Orks to engage with all of their firepower weakening the Crons just enough for Warboss Krom and his Nob bikers to rip through the remaining enemy and claim the central objective.

Win goes to: ORKS


  1. Oops I posted a comment, but I accidentally posted to the one below. Oh well, great pics & write-up! I wish I could finish Old One Eye so I can post him on here. Arg work has me so messed up!

  2. Thanks dude! Game lasted 6 hours. Trying to figure out where to post the highlights. Also, I am not satisfied with the two cameras we used. Will be dropping some serious cash on a nice Cannon SLR camera come Father's Day. Need to figure out better lighting as well...
