Sunday, June 6, 2010

A "not so" 40k Day

Well, I had planned on an 18 hour day of terrain building and model painting... never happened. After picking up the house and finishing up a 1000 point Ork-Cron battle with the boy (ending up a tie), I spent most of the day hooking up my surround sound in the game room. After a trip to BEST BUY I got it to work and it is absolutely amazing!!! With the last hour I prepped the 2 buildings I was hoping to complete... they both will shift to Monday.
I'm slowly discovering my "self actualized" goal is to play 40k with my family & friends on the ultimate 40k table with the best painted miniatures, while listening to 40k inspired music, while drinking copious amounts of beer. Nothing can get any better than that!!!

A few shots from the days activities...

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